Valve Train Simulation
FIRST offers you all neccessary element types for a dynamic valve train analysis with flexible bodies. With full consideration of body dynamics like shaft bending and torsional vibrations, spring dynamics and consideration of valve clearance adjustment. The models can be executed either as isolated single valve assembly or as a multi-cylinder arrangement.

Valve spring (Dynamic Multi-Mass-Spring)

​In dynamic situations it is not sufficient to represent a coil spring just by a non-linear characteristic. Under certain circumstances the inertia of the spring must be included in the calculation. For this purpose FIRST has the possibility to model a helical spring as a so-called "Multi-Mass-Spring" (MMS). This can then be used within a valve train simulation.
coil contact
variable wire diameter
variable slope

Cam Contact
arbitrary valve lift curves (b-splines, polynomial, ...)
different contact models
different friction models
pressure dependent viscosity

Hydraulic Lash Adjuster (HLA)
Hydraulic Lash Adjusters are designed to automatically adjust valve lash to ensure a valve operation with zero clearance.
FIRST offers you two different design types of HLAs for a proper modeling of the valve train.

Oil intake through plunger

Oil intake through case